Naresh Kochhar
Panjab University
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List of Publications
Research Contributions
Popular articles
Uranium study critical for cancer control
High incidence of cancer in parts of Punjab
Earthquakes, tsunamis and plate tectonics
Geological features and health problems
Causes of earthquakes in India
On-going Projects
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Research Interests and on-going Projects
Petrology, Geochemistry and Precambrian Geology
A-type Malani magmatism, NW peninsular India mineralisation and crustal evolution
Anorogenic magmatism, mantle plume and assembly of the Malani supercontinent.
Environmental Geochemistry and Medical Geology:
Chemical quality of groundwater in relation to health hazards (incidence of cancer) in parts of SW Punjab and adjoining areas of Haryana, India.
Environmental radioactivity in relation to health hazards (Tusham, Haryana) and seismotectonics (Dharamshala), India.
Seismicity around Delhi Rohtak region in relation to gravity signatures of Tusham granite pluton.