List of Publications (Standard Referred Journals)

  •    Kochhar, N., A note on the passive volcanic effusions in the Tushan igneous complex. Bull. Ind. Geol. Assoc. v. 3. 1970, p. 34.
  •    Kochhar, N., The problem of volcanic-plutonic association in the light of studies on the Tushan ring complex, north peninsular India. Bull. Volc. Tome xxxvi-3. 1972, pp. 497-550.
  •    Kochhar, N., The occurrence of a ring dyke in the Tushan igneous complex, Hissar (Haryana) Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 14, 1973. pp. 190-193.
  •    Kochhar, N., Indo-Gangetic basin ring structures and continental drift. Nature (London), v. 242. 1973, pp. 141-142.
  •    Kochhar, N., The age of Malani series Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 15. 1974. pp. 316-317.
  •    Kochhar, N., Embayed quartz crystals in acidic volcanic rocks. Rec. Res. Geology, v. 3. 1977, pp. 342-345.
  •    Kochhar, N., Post-emplacement alkali modifications in rapidly cooled acid volcanic rocks. Am. Min., v. 62. 1977. pp. 33-335.
  •    Kochhar, N., Petrochemistry and petrogenesis of the Malani igneous suite: Discussion, Geol. Soc., Am. Bull. v. 92. 1982. pp. 50-51.
  •    Kochhar, N., Copper mineralization in Tusham area, Bhiwani district, Haryana, Rajoinder, Ind. Minerals, v. 35. 1992, pp. 50-51.
  •    Kochhar, N., Tusham ring complex Bhiwani India. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad., v. 49, A. 1983. pp. 459-49.
  •    Kochhar, N., Paleo-uplift and cooling rates from various orogenic belts of India as revealed by radiometric ages. Discussion, Tectonophysics, v.107, 1984. pp. 164-167.
  •    Kochhar, N., Malani igneous suite: Hot-spot magmatism and cratonization of the northern part of the Indian shield. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 25. 1984. pp. 155-161.
  •    +Kochhar, N., Malani igneous suite: prophyry copper and tin deposits from the Tusham ring complex, north peninsular India. (Invited paper) Geologicky Zbornik-Geologica Carpathica (Bratislava), v. 36, no. 2. 1985. pp. 245-255.
  •    Kochhar, N., Pande, K., and Gopalan, K., Rb/Sr Geochronoloyg of Tusham igneous complex, Bhiwani India. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 26. 1985. pp. 216-219.
  •    Kochhar, N., Alkaline magmatism in Delhi Supergroup. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 30. 1987. pp. 537-539.
  •    Kochhar, N., Vallinayagam, G. and Bhushan, S.K., Significance of perlite in the Precambrian acid volcanic rocks, Ind. Minerals, v. 42. 1988. pp. 148-152.
  •    +Kochhar, N., High heat producing (HHP) granites of the Malani igneous suite, N. peninsular India. Minerals, v. 43. 1989. nos. 3 & 4. pp. 109-30.
  •    +Kochhar, N., Mineralization associated with A-type Malani magmatism N. peninsular India. In S.C. Sarkar (ed) ‘Metallogeny related to the Tectonics of Proterozoic Mobile Belts, Oxford 1BH, New Delhi, Chapter 9. 1992. pp. 110-112.
  •    Kochhar,N., Sharma, Rajni, and Vallinayagam, G., Tin bearing potential of Malani representatives of the Jhunjhunu area, Dist. Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, Ind. Minerals, v. 45. 1991. pp. 99-104.
  •    Kochhar, N., Vallinayagam, G., and Gupta, L.N., Zircons from the granitic rocks of the Malani igneous suite. Morphological and chemical studies. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 38. 1991. pp. 561-576.
  •    Eby G.N., and Kochhar,N., 1990 Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Malani igneous suite, north peninsular India. Jour. Geol. Soc.Ind.v36(2),pp 109-130
  •    Kochhar, N., 1992. Zircon from the granitic rocks of the Malani igneous suite: Morphological and chemical studies, Reply to discussion. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 39, pp. 255-256.
  •    Kochhar, N., and Dhar, S., The association of hypersolvus-subsolvus granites: A study of Malani igneous suite, India. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 42. 1993. pp. 449-467.
  •    Kochhar, N., Dhar, S., and Sharma, R., Geochemistry and tectonic significance of acid and basic dykes associated with Jalor magmatism west Rajasthan. Geol Soc. Ind. Mem. 33. 1995. pp. 375-389.
  •    Dhar, S., Frei, R., Kramer, Jan D., Nagler, T.F., and Kochhar, N., Sr, Pb and Nd isotope studies and their bearing on the petrogenesis of the Jalor and
  •    Siwana complexes, Rajasthan, India, Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 48. 1996. pp. 151-160
  •    Dhar, S., and Kochhar, N., Mineral chemistry of amphiboles from Jalor ring structure, Rajasthan. Indian Mineralogist, v. 31, 1997, pp. 24-30.
  •    +Kochhar, N., Rare-metal potential of the A-type Malani granites, northwestern Indian shield. Ind. Minerals, v. 52. 1998. pp. 271-276.
  •    Kochhar, N., The Malani igneous suite of rocks, Correspondenc Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 51. 1998. pp. 120.
  •    Vallingayagam G., and Kochhar, N., Geochemical characterization and petrogenesis of A-type granites and the associated acid volcanics of Siwana ring
  •    complex, north peninsular India. In B.S. Paliwal (ed.). Indian Precambrianm, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, Chapter, 38. 1998. pp. 460-481.
  •    Kochhar, N., A comparative study of the Malani representatives of Tusham hills, Haryana (India) and Kirana Hills, Pakistan. Proc. Third South Asia
  •    Geological Congress, Lahore, Pakistan, 1999.
  •    Kochhar N. Kochhar, R., and Chakraborty, D.K., A new source of primary tin ore in the Indus civilization. Jr. South Asian Studies, v. 15. 1999. pp. 115-118.

List of Publications (Standard Referred Journals)

  •    Kochhar, N., Attributes and significance of the A-type Malani magmatism, northwestern peninsular India. In M. Deb (ed.) Crustal evolution and metallogeny in northwestern Indian shield. Chapter 9. 2000. pp. 183-217, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
  •    Kochhar, N., Mantle plume, anorogenic magmatism and supercontinent. Proc. Workshop on Plume Tectonics, NGRI, Hyderabad. 2000. pp. 20-26.
  •    Kochhar, N., 2001 Signature and significance of Pan-African thermal-tectonic event in the Indian Subcontinent. In L.N. Gupta, Ravindra Kumar and G.S.Gill (eds.) Structure and Tectonics of the Indian plate, IGA Special Publication, pp. 35-42
  •    Kochhar, N., Anorogenic magmatism, mantle plume and assembly of the Late Proterozoic Malani supercontinent, NW Indian shield. Gondwana Res. Group. Misc. Publ. No. 12. 2001. pp. 23-27.
  •    Dhar, S., Kochhar, N., Sharma, R., and Gupta, L.N., Mineral chemistry of biotites from Tusham and Jhunjhunu ring complexes, Malani igneous suite, India. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 60. 2002. pp. 567-571.
  •    *Dhar, S., Singh, Surinder, Dogra, M., and Kochhar, N., Geological significance of radon in the eco-system of Dharmshala area, H.P., India. Bull, Ind. Geol. Assoc. v. 35. 2002. pp. 45-48.
  •    Kochhar, N., and Sharma, R., Rare earth and other trace element mobility accompanying tourmalinisation: from Jhunjhunu area, Rajasthan, India, Jr. Applied Geochem, v. 5. 2003. pp. 26-30.
  •    Kochhar, N., Geological evolution of the trans-Aravalli block (TAB) of the NW Indian shield: constraints for the Malani igneous seute (MISI and its Seychelles connection during late Proterozoic. Geol. Surv. Ind. Spl. Publ. no. 84, 2004. pp. 247-264.
  •    Kochhar, N., Paleomagnetic dating of Sankra dyke swarm. Correspondence. Curr. Sci., v. 86. 2004. pp. 760-761.
  •    *Kochhar, N., and Dadwal, V., Radon and chemical quality of ground water in relation to the buried Aravalli Delhi ridge. Geol. Surv. Ind. Spl. Publ. No. 83. 2004. pp. 293-298.
  •    Gupta, L. N. and Kochhar, N., Volcanic ash beds. Curr. Sci. v. 89. 2005. pp. 1783-1784.
  •    *Gill, G.S., Kochhar,N., Tuli, N.K., Dadwal, V. and Balaram, V., Geochemical studies of groundwater in parts of Bhatinda district (Punjab) and Sirsa district (Haryana). Jr. Applied Geochem. v. 7. 2005. pp. 248-255.
  •    Baskar, R., and Kochhar, N., Alkali amphiboles and pyroxens from Siwana granite and the associated acid volcanics, Rajasthan. Jr. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. 66, 2005, pp. 427-433.
  •    Kochhar, N., Structure and tectonics of Kachch basin and earthquakes. Curr. Sci., v. 91, 2006. pp. 1598-1599.
  •    Kochhar, N., Diamonds in abducted oceanic crust, Kimberlites. Jr. Geol. Soc. India. V. 68, 2006. p. 565
  •    Baskar, R., and Kochhar, N., Titan-aegirine from the peralkaline Siwana granite. western Rajasthan, India, Jr. Applied Geochem., v. 8, 2006, pp. 133-136.
  •    Esfahani, M., Kochhar, N., Khalili, M., and Gupta. L.N. Petrography and geochemistry of diabase sills/dykes in the Hasan Robat area, NW Esfahn, Iran. Bull. Ind. Geol. Assoc., v.39, 2006, pp. 11-18.
  •    Esfahni,M., Kochhar,N.,and Gupta,L.N.,Morphological studies of zircons from the Hasan Robat granite and associated rocks,Esfahn, Iran.Ind.Min.v 40,2006.pp.49-58
  •    Kochhar, N., Was Yangtze craton, South China attached to the Trans-Aravalli block of NW Indian shield during Late Proterozoic? Curr. Sci., v.92, 2007. pp. 295-297.
  •    *Kochhar, N.,Gill,G.S.,Tuli,N.K.,Dadwal,V.,and Balaram,V.,Chemical quality of groundwater in relation to incidence of cancer in parts of SW Punjab.Asian Jr. Water, Env. and Pollution.v.4,2007. pp107-112
  •    Kochhar, N. A-type Malani magmatism, NW Peninsular India. In A.K. Singhvi and A. Bhattacharya (eds.) Glimpses of Geoscience Research in India. The Indian Report to IUGS, 2004-2008. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. 2008. pp 176-181
  •    Kochhar, N., A-type Malani magmatism : Signatures of the Pan-African event in NW Indian shield and assembly of Late Proterozoic Malani supercontinent. Geol. Surv. Ind. Spl. Publ. no. 91, 2008, pp. 112-126
  •    Singh, A.P., and Kochhar, N. and Kumar, N. Tusham ring complex, Bhiwani, Haryana: Subsurface batholithic geometry from gravity signatures and its relation to Delhi-Rohtak seismicity. Bull. Ind. Geol. Cong. v 1(2) 2009, pp.62-68.
  •    Kochhar, N., Geochemical signatures of the A-type Malani magmatism, NW peninsular India and assembly of the Late Proterozoic Malani supercontinent. In Anjan Chaki and K. Shivakumar (eds.) Contributions to Geochemistry (Golden Jubilee Volume) Mem. Geol. Soc. Ind. no. 73, 2008 pp. 21-36.
  •    Kochhar, N., The Malani Supercontinent: Middle East connection during Late Proterozoic. In. K.L. Shrivastava (ed.,) Economic Mineralizations. Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, pp. 15-25, 2009.
  •    *Kochhar, N., Dadwal, V., Rishi, M., Uranium in Malwa region: Probable cause of cancer. Proc. National Seminar groundwater recharge, quality and auditing in hard rock. Deogiri college, Aurangabad, pp. 3-8, 2009.
  •    *Ghosh, N., Virk, P., Rishi, M., Kochhar, N. Chemical quality of groundwater in Derabassi block of dist. Patiala, Punjab, India in relation to Sustainability for irrigation & drinking purpose. Intl. Jour. Environment, Ecology and Conservation, v. 16, no. 4, (2010) pp. 563-572.
  •    Esfahni,M.,Khalili,M.,Kochhar,N., and Gupta,L.N, A-Type granites of the Hasan Robat area (NW of Isfahn, Iran) and its tectonic significance. J.Asia Earth Sci., v. 37,2010, pp. 207-215.
  •    Vallinayagam, G; and Kochhar, N., Petrolgoical evolution and emplacement of Siwana and Jalor ring complexes of Malani Igneous suite, NW peninsular India, in Ray, J., Sen, G., and Ghosh, B. (Eds.), Topics in Igneous Petrology, Springer, Chapter 17, 2011. pp. 437-448.
  •    *Kumar,A., Rishi Madhuri., Kochhar,N., and Mor, S., Geological charecteristics and groundwater quality assessment of Bhatinda and Mansa districts of SW Punjab in relation to fluoride related health problems. Intl. Jour.. Env, Water Management, v8(no. 1,2)2011, pp 62-76.
  •    *Ghosh,N., Virk,P.,Rishi Madhuri, and Kochhar,N., Assessment of groundwater quality of Bhuneheri block, dist. Patiala (Punjab), India in relation to sustainablity for drinking purposes. Quarterly Jour.Env.Social Sci.v.5,2011,pp 75-84.
  •    Kochhar, N., The Malani Supercontinent, Turkish J. Earth Sci., v. 2011, pp.
  •    Mansour, Esfahni, M., Khalili, M., Kochhar, N., and Gupta, L.N., A-type granites of the Hasan Robat area (NW of Isfahn, Iran) and its tectonic significance. J. Asia Earth Sci., v. 37, 2010, pp. 207-215.
  •    *Ghosh, N., Virk, P., Rishi, M.S. and Kochhar, N., Assessment of groundwater quality of in Bhunerheri block distt. Patiala (Punjab), India, in relation to sustainability for drinking purposes. Quart. Jour. Env. Social Sci. v. 4, 2011 pp. 75-84.
  •    Kochhar, N., The Malani magmatism: International status. e-Journal Geosciences, India,. v. 2012, pp.
  •    *Kumar, A., Kochhar, N. and Dadwal, V. 2012, Groundwater quality evaluation in relation to health hazards: A case study. In Sudhir Kumar, S.K. Jain and R.D. Singh (eds.). Proceedings Water Resources, Management in changing Environment. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, pp.531-543.
  •    *Kochhar, N., Dadwal, V., Rishi, M., Sharma, N.K. and Balaram, V., 2012. Evaluation of chemical quality of groundwater in parts of Sirsa (Haryana), Mansa, Bathinda and Muktsar, SW Punjab with emphasis on Uranium in relation to human health. In Proceeding 5th International Groundwater Conference on Assessment and Management of Groundwater Resources in Hard Rock Systems with special reference to Basaltic terrane. (Eds. C.Mayilswami, M.Thangarajan, P.S. Kulkarni and V.P.Singh) , Vol 3, Water and Environment, pp 611-626 PUBLICATIONS SINCE 2013
  •    Kochhar, N. 2013 The Greater Malani Supercontinent .. South China , Siberia , Mongolia , Kazakhstan and Tarim connection during Neoproterozoic. Precambrian Evolution and Exploration of the Continental Lithosphere , Beijing , IAGR Conference Serise No 15, pp 51 To 57
  •    Kochhar, N. 2015, The  Malani Supercontinent . In K.L. Shrivastava and P.K. Srivastava (Eds.) The Frontiers of Earth Science, Chapter 6, pp. 122-136, Scientific Publishers (India)



    *Research paper in Environment Geochemistry and Medical Geology.

    + Research paper on U and rare metal potential in Malani rocks.