Centre of Advanced Study in Geology,Panjab University Chandigarh,160014 India

Naresh Kochhar, UGC Emeritus Fellow & PI DST Book writing Project on Malani Magmatism.

 Short Biography

Did B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology in 1966, M.Sc. (Hons.) Geology in 1967 and Ph.D. in 1976 from the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Appointed as Teaching Assistant in the Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh in the year 1972, Lecturer in 1974, Reader in 1985 and Professor in 1996 untill 2008.Co-ordinator, Honour School Examination, Panjab University, 2004-2006.

Did post-doctoral research (Commonwealth scholarship plan) 1976-1981 at the University of Ottawa and Memorial University, St. Johns Canada.INSA-Royal Society International Exchange program Fellowship at the University of St. Andrews and SURRC, East Kilbride, UK in the year 1989.

Supervised Ph.D theses of 15 candidates and M.Phil theses of two candidates at Panjab University, Published 50 research papers on Malani magmatism, including 6 chapters in books, and 10 research papers on Medical Geology and Environmental Geology and 7 research papers on geology of Iran and miscellaneous topics( single author:34, first author:13, others:19 ). Total citation:602, h-index:13. Gave the concept of Malani supercontinent. Work also cited in text books to mention recent ones: Geology of Rajasthan by S.Sinha-Roy, G. Malhotra and M. Mohanty,1998, Geology and Haryana and Delhi by J.L. Thussu, 2006 and Geology of India by R. Vaidyanadhan and M. Ramakrishnan,2008, Geological Society of India publication, the Making of India: Geodynamic Evolution by K.S Valdiya, 2008 , Macmillan, New Delhi.

Made significant contributions to the problem of Uranium and other heavy metals in ground water of southwest Punjab and adjoining areas of Haryana.

Also made contributions to Geo-archology and Geo-tourism of Tosham area, and other Harappan sites (Harayana) along the Vedic Sarasvati (International conference on Sarasvati River – 2018, K.U., Kurukshetra.
Has presented research work at many national and fifteen International conferences including six International Geological Congress held in Moscow(1984), Washington DC (1989), Oslo (2004), Florence (2008), Brisbane (2012) and CapeTown (2016) and Hammamet, Tunisia ( 2018).
Completed three research projects on Malani magmatism funded by INSA, New Delhi (1975-1976), CSIR, New Delhi (1984-1987), DST, New Delhi (1986-1990), DST funded research project on Seismotectonics in NW Himalaya jointly with GNDU, Amritsar group (2005-2009) and UGC funded research project on Chemical quality of ground water in parts of SW Punjab in relation to health hazards ( 2011-2014, Panjab University)
Fellow of Geological Society of India, Secretary Indian Geologists Association, Life Member Indian Science Congress, Association, Life Member Indian Geological Congress and Member Executive Council, IGC. Roorkee, 2006-2009.

Member National Working Group, IGCP-470 (2002-2007).
Member BARC Expert Committee to study source of uranium in ground water, south-west, Punjab(2012).
Member Expert Group Committee of Brain Storming Session of 36 International Geological Congress-2020, New Delhi.

Awarded Indian National Science Academy medal for Young Scientists’ in the year 1976 for contributions to the Malani igneous suites of rocks of Rajasthan and Tusham area, Haryana.

Subject Expert: UPSC, MoES, New Delhi, HPSC, Shimla, PSC, Patiala, RPSC, Jaipur, TNPSC, Chennai, OPSC, Cuttak, NAAC, Bengaluru, MHRD National Mission on Education through ICT, (NME-ICT), e-PG Pathshala M.Sc. Environmental Science:Petrology and Geochemistry,2017( CUP, Bathinda) and many other universities.

Resource Person: INSA Outreach Program in remote areas colleges and schools, 2017, UGC Academic Staff College and DST INSPIRE PROGRAM.

Panelist on Environmental issues on DD, Star News and Day and night channel, Written many popular articles on Earthquakes, Medical Geology, Uranium in ground water in Malwa region southwest, Punjab etc in newspapers.

Recipient Bharat Gaurav (Pride of India) Award 2016.

Academic Positions

  • 20162015

    PI.DST Book writing project on Malani Magmatism ( USERS Scheme)

  • 20132011

    UGC Emeritus Fellow

  • 20132010


    Panjab University, Chandigarh

  • 19981996


    Panjab University, Chandigarh

  • 19961985


    Panjab University, Chandigarh

  • 19851974


    Panjab University, Chandigarh


  • Ph.D 1976


    Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

  • M.Sc. 1967

    Master of Science

    Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

  • B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology 1966

    Bachelor of Science

    Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

Honours, Awards

  • 2016
    Recipient Bharat Gaurav Award
  • 2009-2008
    Member Executive Council, Indian Geological Congress, Roorkee,
    Member Executive Council, Indian Geological Congress, Roorkee,
  • 2007-2006
    Member Executive Council, Indian Geological Congress, Roorkee
  • 2007-2002
    Member, National Working Group, IGCP-470
  • 2004
    Secretary, Indian Geologists Association, Chandigarh.
  • 2004
    Member INSA delegation to 32nd IGC
    Member INSA delegation to 32nd IGC, Florence Italy, 2004.
  • 1984
    Member INSA delegation to 27th IGC
    Member INSA delegation to 27th IGC, Moscow, Russia, 1984.
  • 1989
    INSA-Royal Society International Exchange fellowship, U.K.
    INSA-Royal Society International Exchange fellowship, U.K.
  • 1975
    Recipient Indian National Science Academy Medal for Young Scientists.
    Recipient Indian National Science Academy Medal for Young Scientists.